Poems & Selections

A Mother’s Love

There is no love like a mother’s love,
No stronger bond on earth
Like the precious bond that comes from God,
To a mother when she gives birth.
A mother’s love is forever strong, never changing for all time
And when her children need her most,
A mother’s love will shine.
When her days on earth are over, a mother’s love lives on…
Through all the tears and heartache that may come,
A mother’s love is never done.
Be thankful for your mother.
For she loves with a higher love…
From the power God has given,
And the strength from up above.

Until we meet again, may God Hold you in the palm of his hand.
May the saddest day of your future be no worse than the happiest day of your past.
When I am gone, release me, and let me go. I have so many things to see and do. You mustn’t tie yourself to me with too many tears. But be thankful we have had so many good years. I gave you my love and you can only guess. How much you have given me […]
by Reinhold Niebuhr God grant me the Serenity To Accept the things I cannot change; Courage to change the things I can, Wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time, Enjoying one moment at a time; Accepting hardship as the pathway to peace. Taking as He did, This sinful world as it […]