Poems & Selections

To Those I Love

By Isla Paschal Richardson
If I should ever leave you,
Whom I love
To go along the silent way…Grieve not.
Nor speak of me with tears.
But laugh and talk of me
As if I were beside you there.
(I’d come… I’d come,
Could I but find a way!
But would not tears and
And grief be barriers?)
And when you hear a song
Or see a bird I loved,
Please do not let the thought of me
Be sad…for I am loving you
Just as I always have…
You were so good to me!
There are so many things
I wanted still to do…
So many things I wanted to say
to you… Remember that
I did not fear… It was
Just leaving you
That was so hard to face.
We cannot see beyond…
But this I know:
I loved you so…
‘twas heaven here with you

By Emily Dickinson She died, —this was the way she died; And when her breath was done, Took up her simple wardrobe And started for the sun. Her little figure at the gate The angels must have spied, Since I could never find her Upon the mortal side.
by Keith Michael Phelan Never say goodbye to love, And let it pass away, And always hold me in your heart, And think of me each day. For my love is always with you From now until the end, For moments shared will never die, And true love shall transcend.
Those we love don’t go away, They walk beside us every day, Unseen, unheard, but always near; Still loved, still missed, & always dear.
I’m sorry I had to leave you, my loved ones oh so dear. But you see, the Master called me, His voice was very clear. I had made reservations, a heaven bound ticket for one. And I knew that he would call me when he felt my work was done. I know that your hearts […]