Poems & Selections

The Tapestry Poem

My life is like a weaving
between my God and me
I do not choose the colors
he works steadily
Sometimes he weaves sorrow
and I in foolish pride
Forget he sees the upper
and I the underside
Not ’til the loom is silent
and the shuttles cease to fly
Will God unroll the canvas
and reveal the reason why.
The dark threads are as needful
in the weaver’s skillful hand
As the threads of gold and silver
in the pattern He has planned

When life as opening buds is sweet, And golden hopes the fancy greet, And Youth prepares his joys to meet, – – Alas! how hard it is to die! When just is seized some valued prize, And duties press, and tender ties Forbid the soul from earth to rise, – – How awful then it […]
Now I lay me down to sleep; I pray thee, Lord, my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, I pray Thee, Lord, my soul to take.
May you see God’s light on the path ahead When the road you walk is dark. May you always hear, Even in your hour of sorrow, The gentle singing of the lark. When times are hard may hardness Never turn your heart to stone, May you always remember when the shadows fall— You do not […]
By Emily Dickinson Our journey had advanced; Our feet were almost come To that odd fork in Being’s road, Eternity by term. Our pace took sudden awe, Our feet reluctant led. Before were cities, but between, The forest of the dead. Retreat was out of hope, – – Behind, a sealed route, Eternity’s white flag […]