Poems & Selections

The Serenity Prayer (Full)

by Reinhold Niebuhr
God grant me the Serenity
To Accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can,
Wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time,
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardship as the pathway
to peace.
Taking as He did,
This sinful world as it is
Not as I would have it.
Trusting that He will make all
things right
If I surrender to His will.
That I may be reasonably happy
in this life,
And supremely happy
With Him forever in the next.
Warrior’s Prayer
Heavenly Father Your warrior
prepares for battle. Today I claim victory over Satan by putting on the whole armor of God!
I put on the Belt of Truth!
May I stand firm in the truth of Your Word so I will not be
a victim of Satan’s lies.
I put on the Breastplate of
Righteousness! May it guard my heart from evil so I will remain pure
and holy, protected under the blood of Jesus Christ.
I put on the Shoes of Peace!
May I stand firm in the Good News of the Gospel so Your peace will shine through me and be a light to all
I encounter.
I take a Shield of Faith!
May I be ready for Satan’s fiery darts of doubt, denial and deceit so I will not be vulnerable to spiritual defeat.
I put on the Helmet of Salvation! May I keep my mind focused on You so Satan will not have a stronghold
on my thoughts.
I take the Sword of the Spirit! May the two-edged sword of Your Word be ready in my hands so I can expose the tempting words of Satan.
By faith your warrior has put on the whole armor of God!
I am prepared to live this day in
spiritual victory!

By Emily Dickinson It was not death, for I stood up, And all the dead lie down; It was not night, for all the bells Put out their tongues, for noon. It was not frost, for on my flesh I felt siroccos crawl, – – Nor fire, for just my marble feet Could keep a […]
Since it falls unto my lot, That I should rise and you should not, I’ll gently rise, and I’ll softly call, “Good night and joy be with you all.”
Death leaves a heartache no one can heal; Love leaves a memory no one can steal.
When life as opening buds is sweet, And golden hopes the fancy greet, And Youth prepares his joys to meet, – – Alas! how hard it is to die! When just is seized some valued prize, And duties press, and tender ties Forbid the soul from earth to rise, – – How awful then it […]