Poems & Selections

The Parting Glass

Since it falls unto my lot,
That I should rise and
you should not,
I’ll gently rise,
and I’ll softly call,
“Good night and joy
be with you all.”

There is no love like a mother’s love, No stronger bond on earth Like the precious bond that comes from God, To a mother when she gives birth. A mother’s love is forever strong, never changing for all time And when her children need her most, A mother’s love will shine. When her days on […]
Please don’t say that I gave up, say that I gave in. Don’t say I lost the battle, For it was God’s battle to lose or win. Please don’t say how good I was, but that I did my best. Just say I tried to do what’s right, to give the most I could not […]
When I start my tour of duty God, Wherever crime may be, as I walk the darkened streets alone, Let me be close to thee. Please give me understanding with both the young and old. Let me listen with attention until their story’s told. Let me never make a judgment in a rash or callous […]
Author Unknown When I come to the end of my journey and I travel my last weary mile, just forget, if you can, that I ever frowned and remember only the smile. Forget unkind words I have spoken; remember some good I have done. Forget that I’ve stumbled and blundered and sometimes fell by the […]