Poems & Selections

I Live On

Don’t cry for me in sadness; don’t weep for me in sorrow,
For I will be beside you, as sure as comes tomorrow.
My body has gone but my spirit lives on, as does my love
For you.
Just as in life. I’ll watch over you, I always will be true.
My blood lives on in my children, how I’ve watched them
grow up with pride.
I’ll live on within them, always by their side.
I know my jokes weren’t always funny and jobs weren’t
Always done.
Just try and always remember the good times the days when
We had fun.
Reach out if you need me, for I will always be near.
Just talk to me, as if I am there, I promise I will hear.
For I’ll live on, within your mind, we’ll never be apart,
As long as you keep my memory, deep within your heart.
So lift up your hearts, don’t be sad, my spirit hasn’t gone.
While you’re still there, so am I, I really will live on

When I start my tour of duty God, Wherever crime may be, as I walk the darkened streets alone, Let me be close to thee. Please give me understanding with both the young and old. Let me listen with attention until their story’s told. Let me never make a judgment in a rash or callous […]
By Mary Lee Hall If I should die and leave you here a while, be not like others sore undone, who keep long vigil by the silent dust. For my sake turn again to life and smile, nerving thy heart and trembling hand to do something to comfort other hearts than thine. Complete these dear […]
When I am gone, release me, and let me go. I have so many things to see and do. You mustn’t tie yourself to me with too many tears. But be thankful we have had so many good years. I gave you my love and you can only guess. How much you have given me […]
You can shed tears that she is gone or you can smile because she has lived. You can close your eyes and pray that she’ll come back or you can open your eyes and see all she’s left. Your heart can be empty because you can’t see her or you can be full of the […]