Poems & Selections

A Wish for a Friend

Wishing you a rainbow
For sunlight after showers—
Miles and miles of Irish smiles
For golden happy hours—
Shamrocks at your doorway
For luck and laughter too,
And a host of friends that never ends
Each day your whole life through!

Don’t grieve for me for now I am free, I’m following the path that God laid for me. I took his hand when I heard his call, I turned my back and left it all.I could not stay another day, To laugh, to love, to work, to play. Tasks left undone must stay that way, […]
What would I give, to clasp his hand His happy face to see To hear his voice, and see his smile That meant so much to me.The rolling stream, of life rolls on But still the vacant chair Recalls the love, the voice, the smile of the one, who once sat there.Nothing can ever take […]
By David Hedges I can’t forget that fateful day You had to leave, you went away A sadness filled me up inside Emotions that I could not hide Tears, they came, sadness too All my emotions just for you Time will heal so I was told But time could never fill this hole Here in […]
We little knew that morning God was going to call your name, In life we loved you dearly; in death we do the same. It broke our hearts to lose you, you did not go alone. Part of us went with you, the day God call you home. You left us wonderful memories; your love […]