Poems & Selections

A Mother’s Gift

Just as the river Niger flows
Through the ages,
so does a Mother’s love
Just as Noah’s Ark provided
safe harbor from the tempest,
So does a Mother’s prayers.
And just as a physician’s hands
can heal the body
So can a Mother’s touch heal the spirit
Your love is a constant in my life
Unfailing, unquestionable,
and forever needed.

Because I could not stop for Death, He kindly stopped for me; The carriage held but just ourselves And Immortality.We slowly drove, he knew no haste, And I had put away My labor, and my leisure too, For his civility.We passed the school, where children strove At recess, in the ring; We passed the fields […]
My life is like a weaving between my God and me I do not choose the colors he works steadily Sometimes he weaves sorrow and I in foolish pride Forget he sees the upper and I the underside Not ’til the loom is silent and the shuttles cease to fly Will God unroll the canvas […]
Please don’t say that I gave up, say that I gave in. Don’t say I lost the battle, For it was God’s battle to lose or win. Please don’t say how good I was, but that I did my best. Just say I tried to do what’s right, to give the most I could not […]
May the blessing of light be on you— light without and light within. May the blessed sunlight shine on you and warm your heart till it glows like a great peat fire.