Poems & Selections

When I Must Leave You (P)

When I must leave you for a little while
please do not grieve and shed wild tears and
hug your sorrow to you through the years
but start out bravely with a gallant smile; and
for my sake and in my name live on and do
all things the same, feed not your loneliness
on empty days, but fill each waking hour in
useful ways, reach out your hand in comfort
and in cheer and I in turn will comfort you
and hold you near; and never, never be afraid
to die, for I am waiting for you in the sky!

Please don’t say that I gave up, say that I gave in. Don’t say I lost the battle, For it was God’s battle to lose or win. Please don’t say how good I was, but that I did my best. Just say I tried to do what’s right, to give the most I could not […]
By Kahlil Gibran Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself. They come through you but not from you, And though they are with you yet they belong not to you. You may give them your love but not your thoughts, For they have their own […]
By Mary Lee Hall If I should die and leave you here a while, be not like others sore undone, who keep long vigil by the silent dust. For my sake turn again to life and smile, nerving thy heart and trembling hand to do something to comfort other hearts than thine. Complete these dear […]
I am home in heaven, dear ones; oh, so happy and so bright! There is a perfect joy and beauty in the everlasting light. All the pain and grief is over, every restless tossing passed; I am now at peace forever, safely home in heaven at last. There is work still waiting for you, so […]