Poems & Selections

Irish Blessing 12

May God be with you and bless you,
May you see your children’s children,
May you be poor in misfortune,
rich in blessings.
May you know nothing but
happiness from this day forward.

We little knew that morning God was going to call your name, In life we loved you dearly; in death we do the same. It broke our hearts to lose you, you did not go alone. Part of us went with you, the day God call you home. You left us wonderful memories; your love […]
by Anonymous Remembrance is a golden chain Death tries to break, but all in vain. To have, to love, and then to part Is the greatest sorrow of one’s heart. The years may wipe out many things But some they wipe out never. Like memories of those happy times When we were all together.
Once upon a time an angel held my hand, She wiped away my tears and helped me understand. Our time on earth is brief, there’s lessons to be learned, Each precious day God gives us another page is turned. Every chapter full of memories, times of joy and tears, Triumphs and defeats, through every passing […]
By Emily Dickinson She died, —this was the way she died; And when her breath was done, Took up her simple wardrobe And started for the sun. Her little figure at the gate The angels must have spied, Since I could never find her Upon the mortal side.