Poems & Selections

When I Am Gone

When I am gone, release me. Let me go
I have so many things to see and do
You must not tie yourself to me with tears
Be happy that we had so many years
I gave you love, you can only guess how much you gave me in happiness
I thank you for the love you each have shown, but now it is time I travel alone
So grieve a while for me, if grieve you must,
Then let your grief be comforted by trust
It is only for a while that we must part,
so bless those memories within your heart
I will not be far away, for life goes on
So if you need me, call and I will come
Though you cannot see or touch me,
I will be near
And if you listen with your heart, you will hear
All of my love around you, soft and clear
Then when you must come this way alone,
I will greet you with a smile and welcome you home.

I am home in Heaven, dear ones Oh, so happy and so bright! There is perfect joy and beauty in this everlasting light. All the pain and grief is over, every restless tossing passed: I am now at peace forever, Safely home in Heaven at last I am gone, release me, and let me go. […]
By Mary Frye Do not stand at my grave and weep, I am not there, I do not sleep. I am a thousand winds that blow, I am the softly falling snow. I am the gentle showers of rain, I am the fields of ripening grain. I am in the morning hush, I am in […]
I stood watching as the little ship sailed out to sea. The setting sun tinted his white sails with a golden light, and as he disappeared from sight, a voice at my side whispered, “She is gone.” But the sea was a narrow one. On the farther shore a little band of friends had gathered […]
Show me the way to go home I’m tired and I want to go to bed I had a little drink about an hour ago And it’s gone right to my head Everywhere I roam Over land or sea or foam You can always hear me singing this song Show me the way to go […]