Poems & Selections

That Fateful Day

By David Hedges
I can’t forget that fateful day
You had to leave, you went away
A sadness filled me up inside
Emotions that I could not hide
Tears, they came, sadness too
All my emotions just for you
Time will heal so I was told
But time could never fill this hole
Here in my heart there is a place
You’re always there keeping me safe
It’s filled with love and happy times
It’s never dark, your light it shines
In heaven now you do reside
To watch over me with love and pride
I know one day we’ll meet again
Until we do just know
I’ll always love you until the end

May God give you… For every storm, a rainbow, For every tear, a smile, For every care, a promise, And a blessing in each trial. For every problem life sends, A faithful friend to share, For every sigh, a sweet song, And an answer for each prayer.
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